We schedule our weekends much like the youth and family retreats that happen at Guthrie now. We have a very relaxed atmosphere and want you to feel at home. We welcome you with open arms! The first night we have a mixer, snack, and campfire after registration and moving in. Saturday morning begins with breakfast and a short worship. These are followed with classes for youth and adults. The adult classes are led by our guest ministry. After a break for lunch we might have another class, open recreation, nap time (yes!), a baptism, a hike, messy games, swimming, snow football, or any other activity you remember from your time at Guthrie Grove. Supper is the beginning of our Saturday night theme banquet. Fun times and silly pictures usually happen at these! After supper and fun games or dances, we have a campfire, snacks, and then games or a movie for those who want to stay up. After Sunday morning breakfast, we have camp clean-up and then a closing worship service.